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“Stand Therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;”  (Ephesians 6:14-15)


As the calendar year draws to a close, family schedules and personal agendas fill with meetings, programs, parties, annual obligations, and preparing to retire. The carol “Silent Night” could not have been written at the end of the twentieth century, when its title evokes the peace and stillness modern women and men can only imagine.


Yet this busiest time of year calls us to draw close to others, above all to God, who became flesh and lived with us.  Contemplation and packing?!  Meditation and manic shopping?!  How do we carve out moments of quiet when we open ourselves to God’ presence?


As I am busy preparing for retirement and feeling overwhelmed, I am reminded that the Advent season is a time to reflect and make ready for new birth, new life and new opportunities for serving the Lord Jesus.  So I have to ask myself, am I preparing for the right event?   “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Be constantly on the watch!  Stay awake!... You do not know when the Master of the house is coming.” Mark. 13:33


O Jesus, we hardly hear you.  Busy with so much, we go about the things we do like a servant trapped in household routine, hardly giving a thought to what our lives are about,  Our spirits within have grown tired and you, our God, seem far away.  How can we hear your voice today preparing us for service in you name?


Speak to our hearts during this season of grace, as you spoke to your prophets and saints.  Remind us again of the journey you call us to make and the work you would have us do.  I am your servant, O lord.  Speak to me in this holy season and turn my eyes to watch for your coming again into my life and the lives of others.


O Emmanuel, Jesus Christ,  Desire of every Nation, Savior of all peoples,

Come and dwell among us, give each of us the Gospel of you everlasting Peace!


May the Gospel of Peace be with you all as we prepare for the coming of the Lord into our lives anew.


Pastor Mike








Bethany has two prayer lists, one is short term for those that have an immediate need for prayers in our congregaton, community or families.  We also maintain a Long Term prayer list for those suffering from long term illnesses, diseases or complications that would like to be offered up in prayer.  We only ask that anyone added to the prayer lists be aware that they will be added, so we do not infringe on someones right to privacy.

Elders / Seniors


If you or someone you know is a "shut in", in a nursing home or unable to attend services for some reason and you would like a visit from Pastor Laakko, or would like to arrange weekly communion, please contact Bethany Lutheran Church so that we can meet your spiritual needs.

Pastor's Monthly Message

Our Youth
Our church school kids forming an assembly line to create a trail mix/cornucopia to leave along with some praying hands for those who worship at Bethany Lutheran Church in Amasa, before Thanksgiving. It was our way of “giving thanks” to those who support our program.


Karleen is our youngest parishioner who is in church nearly every Sunday. 

She is active in the

service and joins in

communion each week.


Such a joy to the



Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Community service


In addition to several outreach programs through the ELCA, Bethany also has several "in-house" programs we commit to serving each year. We sponsor camp scholarships to Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp, have funding for Community Outreach(if someone is in immediate need of food, etc.) If you are interested in donating to a specific charity organization or fund, please feel free to contact a church council member.



Our Worship and music committee meets quarterly or as needed.  All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend!  Our next meeting will be on September 13, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the church basement.

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